Moving to a new home can be an exciting adventure, but it can also be a stressful experience—especially when you have furry friends to consider. Pets are a cherished part of the family, and ensuring their comfort and safety during a move is important.
With careful planning and consideration, you can make the transition smoother for both you and your beloved pets. Here are some essential tips to help you navigate the process of moving with pets.
1. Plan Ahead
Start planning for your move well in advance. Create a timeline that includes tasks specifically related to your pets, such as scheduling veterinary visits, updating their identification tags, and arranging for pet-friendly accommodations during the move.

2. Visit the Vet
Before the move, schedule a visit to the veterinarian to ensure that your pets are up-to-date on vaccinations and to obtain their medical records. Take this opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have about traveling with your pets and to refill any necessary prescriptions.

3. Prepare a Pet Kit
Assemble a pet kit that includes all the essentials your pets will need during the move, such as food, water, medications, toys, bedding, and grooming supplies. Having these items easily accessible will help keep your pets comfortable and calm throughout the journey.
4. Keep Pets Secure
During the move, keep your pets secure in a carrier or crate to prevent them from getting lost or injured. Make sure the carrier is well-ventilated and large enough for your pet to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Place familiar items, such as blankets or toys, inside the carrier to help reduce anxiety.
5. Update Identification
Before you move, make sure your pets' identification tags are up-to-date with your new contact information.
6. Pet-Proof Your New Home
Before bringing your pets into your new home, pet-proof the space to ensure their safety. Remove any toxic plants or hazardous objects, secure windows and doors, and set up a designated area with their food, water, and bedding.
7. Establish a Routine
Once you've settled into your new home, establish a routine for your pets as quickly as possible. Stick to their regular feeding and exercise schedules to help them adjust to their new environment more easily.
Extra tips for Dogs & Cats:
When moving, doors are open, people are bustling about, and things can get stressful. If your dog or cat is prone to bolting out the front door or getting tangled in peoples’ legs, arranging accommodations for them on moving day may be your safest bet.
If that isn’t an option, a secure crate in a low-traffic room will also help keep them safe while you move.

Extra tips for rodents and rabbits:
Rodents and rabbits are prey animals and become stressed very easily. During transportation, try to set up their carrier on the floor of your vehicle or secured by a seatbelt to prevent them from being jostled around.
Once you arrive at your new home, set up your rodents’ area with familiar items that smell like home along with their litter and water. Set them up in a low-traffic room so the moving noises don’t frighten them.
Extra tips for reptiles:
Reptiles are cold blooded and require warmth in order to function properly. Ensure that the vehicle you’re transporting them in at least room temperature, and set up their heating lamps once you arrive at your new home.
Depending on your reptile, try to avoid feeding a day or so before the move.

By following these tips, you can help make the process of moving with pets a smoother and less stressful experience for everyone involved. Remember to prioritize your pets' well-being throughout the journey. I won’t take long until they're happily enjoying their new home right alongside you!